lundi 13 juillet 2009

Mom's surprised birthday

OK, I've been quiet lately but will tell you more about this bit but good hectic start of summer!
I wanted to share with you about Mum's surprise birthday Papa coordinated with my godmother, grandma, brother, sister-in-law!
We came for dinner with Mum, Grand Pa (Papy) & Grand Ma (Mamie) at my godmother's place... which was full with our family members and also Hugo & Alex.

Was really fun with my cousins.
Mum made me look relaxed that evening, I danced, played, ate with other kids upto ... 11 PM!
Mum lookedvreally happy too:)
I'm looking forward to my cousin Cassiopée's birthday on Sunday!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Ils se sont pas trompés pour les bougies ???